Sky Replacement Masterclass - Online Course

Sky Replacement Masterclass - Online Course

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LEARN MY SECRETS to realistic sky replacements so you can create the photos you were always hoping for!

Do You Want To Know The Secrets To Creating

Perfect Sky Replacements?


From The Home Offices of Matt Suess
- Master Photographer, Educator & Coach 
- OM SYSTEM, Fotopro & NiSi Ambassador

I've been there before... we're photographing a house or commercial property for a client, and on the day of the shoot we have nothing but clear blue skies. Deadlines prevent us from rescheduling, so we are going to have to rely on sky replacement to get the shot we need.

And I can certainly relate to traveling to a location I may never visit again, only to have boring skies on part of the trip. Wouldn't it be great to be able to create that photo you were dreaming of with a gorgeous sky by realistically replacing that boring sky with one that fulfills those dreams?

In this Masterclass, learn how to replace your skies realistically - and take advantage of 400 included skies & clouds. I've been replacing skies since 1993 back when I was in a chemical darkroom. I've been working with digital imaging since Photoshop was born.

I would love the opportunity to help you achieve realistic sky replacements by using the software of your choice, be it Photoshop, ON1, or Luminar. Learn from my secrets, impress your clients, and bring back to life those boring sky photos you have on your computer that you are too embarrassed to show to anyone.

1. Can I download the course videos?

No - this course is streaming only.

2. What are the specs on the photo files?

Files range from 7,000 pixels to 10,000 pixels in the largest dimension - the equivalent of a 35MP to 80MP camera. They are saved with the Adobe RGB color profile. Any photo can work on any format with a little cropping.

3. If I use your clouds/skies in my photo project, who then owns the rights to the final image? Can I sell prints of the final image, or sell it to clients, etc?

You own the rights to the final image and can use it for commercial purposes.

Licensing Terms

By purchasing or receiving a stock photo texture and/or background set from Matt Suess Photography, you agree to the following:- Matt Suess Photography offers photographs of materials (Textures & Backgrounds) for photographers, special effects artists, graphic designers, game developers, and other professions.- Matt Suess Photography retains full ownership of the textures & backgrounds under all intellectual property laws.- No further payment or royalties are required to use these Textures & Backgrounds.- The use of the Textures & Backgrounds is non-exclusive, royalty free, and you have the right to modify them for the uses permitted under the clause Conditions of Use.- The textures may be used by the licensee in any personal and/or commercial projects.

Conditions of Use

It is NOT permitted to:- Bundle the images with software such as photo software and/or apps, paint programs, 3D programs, photo-kiosk software, or any other such uses.- Sell, resell, or distribute any of these textures and backgrounds in an unmodified form, or where the derived product (modifying the texture’s look to then resell) you are selling or distributing is a Texture/Background or a collection of Textures/Backgrounds. In other words: Do not sell or distribute any of these textures/backgrounds (modified or not) by itself or in a texture or scrapbooking pack.- File sharing of these textures/backgrounds is strictly not allowed.

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Videos For

Luminar, Photoshop, and ON1

Almost 3hrs of instruction.


Luminar, Photoshop, and ON1


19 videos and nearly 3hrs of instruction.

PERFECT FOR: Fashion Photographers, Bloggers, and Content Creators

Don't let boring blue skies put a damper on your style! Use dramatic skies to put the final touches on your images and make them so eye-catching no one will miss them.

Before & After

PERFECT FOR: Real Estate & Commercial Photographers

It never fails: it's the day the house or business property is scheduled to be photographed and you have nothing but boring blue skies. And the forecast is like that for the rest of the week! The client can't wait and you can't reschedule. So photograph it on that blue sky day and quickly replace the sky with one of these cloud backgrounds.

Before & After

PERFECT FOR: Travel & Vacation Photographers

For most travelers, you only have one week or one day or even just one hour at a particular location, and you may never get a chance to go back again. Why let a boring sky ruin your photo? Use these sky backgrounds to breathe new life into your travel photos.

Before & After

Before & After

Before & After


Ultimate 400 Cloud & Sky Kit

  • My Most Popular Cloud Kit With 400 Clouds & Skies
  • High Resolution - raging from 7,000px to 10,000px in longest dimension - the equivalent of a 35MP to 80MP camera
  • Includes clouds from sunny days, stormy days with and without lightning, sunrise & sunset, as well as a few night sky & Milky Way photos.
  • A $157 Value

Turn Day Into Night

  • Video showing my secrets on how to turn a day photo into night using Luminar Neo / AI & ON1 Photo RAW 2022
  • A $27 Value

How to Photograph & Post Process Your Own Clouds & Skies

  • Video showing my secrets on how to photograph and post process your own clouds & skies
  • ​This video alone could pay for the Masterclass - you may never need to buy more clouds & skies again!
  • A $97 Value

This Masterclass Includes:

👋 Start Here!

  • 📽️ Introduction and Welcome to Sky Replacement Masterclass (3 min)

Introduction to Sky Replacement

  • 📽️ Top 8 Sky Replacement Scenarios Most Get Wrong (18 min)
  • 📽️ Photoshop 2022 vs Luminar Neo vs ON1 Photo RAW 2022 (20 min)

Sky Replacement with ON1 Photo RAW 2022

  • 📽️ Importing Your Clouds & Skies Into ON1 Photo RAW 2022 - (4 min)
  • 📽️ Sky Replacement 101 with ON1 Photo RAW 2022 - (7 min)
  • 📽️ Advanced Masking in ON1 Photo RAW 2022 - (16 min)
  • 📽️ Water Reflections with ON1 Photo RAW 2022 (8 min)
  • 📽️ Adding a Single Cloud to an Existing Sky in ON1 2022 (8 min)

Sky Replacement with Luminar Neo & AI

  • 📽️ Importing Your Clouds & Skies Into Luminar Neo & AI - (2 min)
  • 📽️ Sky Replacement 101 with Luminar AI & Neo (8 min)
  • 📽️ Horizon Position in Luminar Neo and AI (4 min)
  • 📽️ Advanced Masking Techniques in Neo Part 1 (5 min)
  • 📽️ Advanced Masking Techniques in Neo Part 2 (8 min)
  • 📽️ Water Reflections with Luminar Neo & AI (7 min)

Sky Replacement with Photoshop 2022

  • 📽️ Importing Your Clouds & Skies into Photoshop (3 min)
  • 📽️ Sky Replacement 101 with Photoshop (8 min)
  • 📽 Water Reflections in Photoshop 2022 (13 min)


  • Cloud & Sky downloads and extra videos!
  • 📂 Suess Ultimate 400 Cloud Kit Download File (1.26GB)
  • 📽️ Turn Day into Night with Luminar Neo / AI & ON1 Photo RAW 2022 (11 min)
  • 📽️ How to Photograph & Post Process Your Own Clouds & Skies (20 min)

Don't take our word for it


"Just want to say that I do a fair number of sky replacements and have over 2,200 sky images. However, I find myself using your skies more than all the others combined. Your ultimate cloud & sky kit provides a wide selection of high quality images. When you look at it on a value scale, your product sets the standard against which I measure similar products.

I am thinking of dumping most of my other sky & cloud files."

Greg Scott

Yachats, Oregon


Lovely looking skies - I live in South Africa and spend most of my photographic time in our wonderful wildlife/safari areas, the mountains, and the Karoo - semi-desert similar to areas in the USA. Both have spectacular skies, but these will be a welcome addition. Thanks.

Simon Rosholt

South Africa


I own a couple of your sky collections, which is how I met you. You are a sky replacement god... thank you.

Ron Seher

Thanks for all the help... I've only had the software about a week, so I'm just getting started on things. A big thanks to Matt Suess for his sky bundle I purchased. There's some really great shots in there and I'd highly recommend it if you need more sky options.

Rojo Grande

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