1. What are the specs on the photo files?
Files are 24MP images. They are saved with the Adobe RGB color profile.
2. If I use your textures in my photo project, who then owns the rights to the final image? Can I sell prints of the final image, or sell it to clients, etc?
You own the rights to the final image and can use it for commercial purposes.
Licensing Terms
By purchasing or receiving a stock photo texture and/or background set from Matt Suess Photography, you agree to the following:- Matt Suess Photography offers photographs of materials (Textures & Backgrounds) for photographers, special effects artists, graphic designers, game developers, and other professions.- Matt Suess Photography retains full ownership of the textures & backgrounds under all intellectual property laws.- No further payment or royalties are required to use these Textures & Backgrounds.- The use of the Textures & Backgrounds is non-exclusive, royalty free, and you have the right to modify them for the uses permitted under the clause Conditions of Use.- The textures may be used by the licensee in any personal and/or commercial projects.
Conditions of Use
It is NOT permitted to:- Bundle the images with software such as photo software and/or apps, paint programs, 3D programs, photo-kiosk software, or any other such uses.- Sell, resell, or distribute any of these textures and backgrounds in an unmodified form, or where the derived product (modifying the texture’s look to then resell) you are selling or distributing is a Texture/Background or a collection of Textures/Backgrounds. In other words: Do not sell or distribute any of these textures/backgrounds (modified or not) by itself or in a texture or scrapbooking pack.- File sharing of these textures/backgrounds is strictly not allowed.